Full-Full Formula
Your rented car has a Full tank of fuel on delivery, and with the same fuel level you need to return. At no extra cost in your rental rate.
The Full-Full formula allows you to collect the rental car with a full tank, and return it with the same amount of fuel. It is the most comfortable and convenient formula, because the car rental undertakes to provide the rental vehicle with a full tank of fuel, and the customer to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel at no additional cost.
The car rental formula called Full-Full is in contrast to the full-empty formula that binds the customer to pay the fuel used at the price set by the car rental, and the empty-empty formula that does not reimburse any additional liters that may be in excess upon return of the vehicle.
Only Sardinia Autonoleggio always includes the Full-Full fuel formula in the rental rates.
Most common fuel policies in the car rental world:
Full-Full Formula The car is delivered with a full tank and must be returned with a full tank.
The car rental company supplies the vehicle with a full tank and the customer must return the vehicle with a full tank. It is the cheapest and most comfortable formula, because in this way the customer will collect the car with a full tank and undertake to return it in the same way. The Full-Full formula is always to be preferred, it has no additional costs for refueling services, the customer can choose the cheapest petrol station, and the costs are strictly commensurate with consumption. It does not generate extra service costs.
The full tank on the way back is convenient, but it is not strictly binding, even if the Full-Full formula has been chosen, if the customer wishes it or cannot return the car with a full tank, he can still return the car with less fuel, in this case the car rental will take care of counting the liters and charge a fee for the refueling service. (Full to Full tank policy)
Full-Empty Formula The car is delivered with a full tank and must be returned with the fuel level you prefer.
The car rental company supplies the vehicle with a full tank, but will charge both the refueling service and an established fuel cost that will be determined by the rental itself. The customer can return the car with the fuel level he prefers, but this (already paid) will not be refunded. (Full to Empty tank policy)
Empty-Empty Formula The car is delivered with a minimum of fuel and must be returned with the same level.
The car rental delivers the vehicle with a minimum of fuel, the vehicle must be returned with the same fuel threshold. If it is delivered with more fuel this will not be refunded. (Empty to Empty tank policy)
With the Full-Full Formula:
You Choose
Where to refuel and at what price
That no additional fuel costs will be calculated
Avoid the expense of any refueling services
With Only Sardinia Autonoleggio, the Full-Fuel formula is always included in the online rates. While maintaining the possibility of choosing all the other formulas provided in the car rental world.